≫ 2024
A web book introducing the terminal and command line and how to use them as a newer developer.
This app estimates your individual tax situation based on your income from all categories and incorporating all types of deductions. It provides a breakdown of the applicable deductions and their amounts, your effective tax rates as a whole and for national and local taxes separately, and even estimates your maximum furusato nouzei contributions.
Bounty guides you to the best points to collect for a given goal, like travel or cashback.
≫ 2023
This app provides an interface for scraping NHK articles into the application, then allows users to view the article and select individual segments to parse and display the vocabulary in that segment, showing definitions, part-of-speech information, and more.
A member of the Osaka/Kyoto Web Developers and Designers Discord posed a challenge for a word game involving words that could be built from a set of common prefixes. This was my solution with Rust, involving some graph building and searching and a lot of optimizing bad answers away.
≫ 2022
This app is a POC for a collaborative translation application, allowing multiple translators to work on and view the same translation.
This app is a very simple frontend on top of a scraper/DB that pulls listings from Suumo, the most populated real estate search site in Japan. The scraper is only configured for apartment rentals for now. Once scraped, it aggregates the data and shows stats for each breakdown of each area down to the neighborhood district.
≫ 2021
This repo has the code I used for a team tech talk introducing the Elixir language. The final code simulates a turn-based combat between two RPG entities with various stats like attack and health.
This is a simple Elixir Mix task that adds a table of contents to your project's
≫ 2019
This repo is the start of a Stack Overflow clone built on Elixir and Phoenix. This was mostly a fun project I did for Hacktoberfest that year.
≫ 2018
An app for practicing the pronunciation of Japanese numbers. It recognizes multiple forms of romanization and keeps track of your right/wrong count for the current session.
≫ 2017
A musical social media platform I was trying to build called Band Together.
A C++ 2D game engine I was working on in my spare time to refresh my C++ knowledge. I also live streamed most of the development of this project!
An Elixir implementation of Conway's Game of Life.
≫ 2016
An Elixir implementation of a paper describing a method for calculating relative strength of two basketball teams based on their season scores.
≫ 2013
Final project for an NLP project I took in university. Basically this is a few scripts and tools for parsing n-gram models from text corpora and using them to generate novel text based on those models.
Python TUI for displaying a guitar fretboard and other information like scales, chords, modes, etc.
A really bad Ludum Dare submission I wrote in C++ and SDL.